If an Alaska police officer thinks you have been driving under the influence of alcohol, he or she will no doubt try to establish probable cause to take you into custody. Prior to that, the officer must have a legitimate reason to make a traffic stop, such as...
Anchorage Legal Issues Blog
6 advantages gained by collaborative divorce
Not every couple going through divorce can work together to negotiate an agreement. However, for those who have that ability, the collaborative approach to divorce may be the right choice. In collaborative divorce, the divorcing spouses – working alongside their...
Seeking child custody modification after divorce
As an Alaska parent who has navigated a divorce, you are likely no stranger to negotiation. You and your ex were hopefully able to achieve a settlement without confrontation, especially regarding issues that are relevant to your children. When a family court judge...
What to do if you are the falsely accused of domestic violence
The circumstances remain bewildering. Your spouse accuses you of domestic violence, but she has been the instigator of such incidents throughout your years of marriage. You know that you are the victim and that your spouse is gaslighting you. But you must convince the...
What is an affirmative criminal defense?
If the police in Alaska arrest someone, resulting in criminal charges being filed, a prosecutor must convince the court or jury that the defendant is guilty by a measure of proof known as “beyond a reasonable doubt.” American jurisprudence requires that every...
Eye issues can result in a DUI arrest
If an Alaska police officer pulls you over at a traffic stop and asks you to step out of your vehicle, you can logically assume that you are suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol. The officer might ask you to take a special eye test, known as the...
A man pleaded not guilty to murder in Alaska
In September of this year, Alaska police received a call after a body was discovered on a walking trail. Numerous people who spoke with investigators stated that they had seen a particular man in the area, not long before the body was found. The man in question was...
Enjoy holidays without child custody problems
Many families in Alaska are gearing up for the 2022 holiday season. In households where a divorce has recently taken place, this year's festivities may be somewhat stressful, as the parents and children do their best to adapt to a new lifestyle. Nothing can ruin the...
Criminal charges for smuggling exotic animals
Alaska, like many states, regulates what types of animals may be kept as pets. Regulations also address whether certain animals can be released into the wild. For instance, in some cases, certain animals can be kept as pets if they’re not released into the wild. But...
Marital issues that may have divorce implications
If spouses are constantly struggling to resolve problems in their marriage, one or both may feel that it is no longer worth the fight. This kind of turning point occurs in many Alaska households, as well as in marriages throughout the country. If a spouse determines...