Alaska may be far removed from the lower 48 in the geographic sense, but it is not far removed from sharing many of the same problems. One of these problems involves the illegal drug trade. A recent case implicated a 71-year-old man in the illegal trafficking of...
Month: November 2019
Accused facing drug charges entitled to criminal defense
While Alaska may be geographically removed from the lower 48 states of the country it does share some of the same problems. Among these is the ongoing struggle against illegal drugs. The police force in Alaska strives to maintain order and reduce the crime that can...
Can you keep your full 401k in your divorce?
Your divorce proceedings in Anchorage are sure to be a challenge. Even if you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse go into them having gotten over any bitterness associated with your separation, there will almost certainly be points where the two of you disagree. Both of you...
Alaska’s drunk driving laws carry stiff penalties
Few things can change the tone of a relaxing evening faster than the lights of a police car in the rearview mirror. If police believe you are impaired by alcohol, your life could take a very unexpected turn. Facing drunk driving charges means facing the...