Questions And Answers About Custody And Support
At Kalamarides & Lambert in Anchorage, we are vigorous advocates for our clients’ parental rights and the well-being of their children. Count on us to stand up for you, too.
We can also answer your questions about custody and support matters in Alaska. Here are a few frequently asked questions and answers:
Can I get sole custody of my kids?
Child development experts agree that children tend to thrive best when they have positive relationships with both parents. For this reason, Alaska statutes strongly promote joint legal custody and shared physical custody. The goal is for children to spend quality time with both mother and father.
However, in certain situations (such as in homes with repeated instances of domestic violence), it may be in the child’s best interests to live exclusively with one parent. Feel free to arrange a meeting with one of our lawyers and learn how the issues in your particular situation may affect your custody rights.
Can I move out of Alaska with my children?
As with other custody and visitation matters, the state looks at the best interests of the children. In order to be allowed to relocate with your kids, you must have a valid reason. For instance, your child may have special needs that require him or her to attend a specialized school in a different state. If you want to move simply because you’re tired of living near your ex-spouse, however, the court may not allow it.
Relocation cases are very fact-dependent, so consulting an attorney is the best way to understand your options.
I just got laid off. Do I still have to pay child support?
If you have experienced a significant change in circumstances, such as the loss of your job, it may be possible to modify your child support orders. Likewise, you may be able to seek a modification if the other parent gained a higher paying job, your child has become a legal adult, the time-sharing schedule has changed, etc.
To learn more, call Kalamarides & Lambert at 907-205-4997 or contact us by email to set up a consultation with a family law attorney.